Our Story


Hi, it’s Prabin, an 18-year-old entrepreneur with a dream to build a successful cleaning company alongside my family. Choosing a path less traveled, I have decided to forgo conventional education to invest my time and energy into creating a business that could make a positive impact in our community.

Starting with a shared vision and a strong sense of determination, I Prabin, along with the help of my family members, have launched a cleaning company. Armed with basic equipment and a passion for providing excellent service.

The journey was not without its challenges. Me and my family faced the initial struggles that come with starting a business β€” from building a client base to managing resources effectively. Despite setbacks and the uncertainty that accompanies the early stages of entrepreneurship, I remained committed to my vision.

We have been working tirelessly, learning from each experience and refining our approach to meet the unique needs of our clients. Though success had not yet arrived, the journey itself has become a story of resilience, unity, and unwavering belief in the potential of our cleaning company.

My decision to involve family in the business has not only strengthened our bond but also created a sense of shared purpose. Tougher, we have faced the challenges head-on, finding inspiration in small achievements and learning from every setback.

As me and my family continue to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the story of our cleaning company became a testament to the determination it takes to build something meaningful from the ground up. The journey was a journey of growth, both for the business and for us, as we persisted in our pursuit of success.

Our story, in its early stages, is a reminder that success is often a gradual process. It's about learning, adapting, and persisting through the difficulties that come with entrepreneurship. The journey of me and my family is not just about building a cleaning company; it's about the resilience and tenacity required to turn a dream into reality.